Isaac Meredith Jr. was born in 1806. He died at 81 in West Whiteland Township, Pa. on February 28, 1887.
(There seem to have been several Isaac Merediths who died within a short time of each other all in the same general area, so linking up relatives gets very confused. I had originally had another Isaac Meredith, who was married to a Thomazin Pennock as Isaac Meredith, Jr., but decided this person seemed more logical due to the West Whiteland connection. I also think the Chester County Historical Society got the date wrong. There was an Isaac Meredith who died in 1883, but the days given in the death notice of that Isaac and this one, lead me to believe they were two different people and that this one died in 1887, not 1883. This lines up well with the homestead sale and death of Wilmot Meredith. LEM)
Meredith -- In West Whiteland Township on Wednesday, February 28th, Isaac Meredith, in the 81st year of his age. Relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late place of residence, in West Whiteland township, on Monday March 5th, to leave the house at 11 o'clock. Interment at Grove M. E. Church. Daily Local News. 3/1/1887.
Isaac married Wilmuth Bayne, born on November 3, 1800. Wilmuth died in West Whiteland Township, Pa. on April 23, 1888 when she was 87. Alias/AKA: Willmot, Wilmoth.
Meredith - In West Whiteland, on Monday, April 23, Wlimoth (sic) Meredith, in her 88th year. Friends and relatives are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, without further notice, from her late residence, in West Whiteland, on Thursday, April 26th, 1888, to meet at the house at 10 o'clock. Interment at Grove M. E. Buring ground. Daily Local News. 4/23/1888.
Died on the Day for the Sale of the Homestead. Yesterday Wilmot Meredith, widow of Isaac Meredith, and Joseph P. Hill, executors of Isaac Meredith, deceased, late of West Whiteland, had appointed one o'clock as the hour to sell the farm of deceased by order of the orphans' court. Mrs. Meredith died suddenly six hours before the sale, which necessitated an adjournment of the same. Had she lived but a few hours longer the order of the Court would have been executed and the property sold. Daily Local News. 4/24/1888.
They had the following children:
David Gardiser was born on March 22, 1838. David Gardiser died in Sharpsburg, Md. on September 21, 1862, he was 24.He wasn’t buried until October 24, 1862. Cause of death: Wounds received at the battle of Antietam (Civil War).
Near Sharpsburg, on the 21st ult.,of wounds received in the battle of Antietam, David Gardiser, son of the late Isaac Meredith, Sr., of West Whiteland, aged 21 years. His funeral will take place from the residence of his mother, October 21st, at 10 o'clock. VR. 10/21/1862. (Although the announcement says David was the "son of Isaac Meredith, Sr. late of West Whiteland", I have entered him as the son of Isaac Meredith, Jr. The ages and dates seem more logical this way and maybe the paper misprinted the grandfather as the father. LEM)
Daniel (no data.)
Thomasine HOFFMAN, whose birth date is unknown was buried in Grove Methodist Church Cemetery, Grove, Pa. Thomasine married Hazael THOMAS, Jr., son of Hazael THOMAS.
They had one child:
Anthony Wayne
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